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Rules regarding registered supporters

“Registered supporter” is the translation of “Skráður stuðningsaðili”.

Registered supporters declare their support to the party without joining it as a member, and their registrations are kept in a separate register in Samfylkingin’s records.

Registered supporters have no obligations or rights in the party’s activities beyond those of non-members, other than the right to vote in primaries according to the relevant party associations’ decisions.

The supporters’ register is used to send information which the party headquarters deems relevant for party members and the public.

In order to recall their support, registered supporters must personally de-register, for example via online de-registration.

The same rules apply to either the processing of information in the supporters’ register and to information in the members’ register, such as rules regarding processing in relation to primaries and regarding that the information will not be distributed to non-relevant entities.

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